Samuel Olekanma an indigen of Omukwu Onicha Ezinihitte Mbaise in an effort to help the growing rise of unemployment in the community and Nigeria as whole will be training the youths in entrepreneurship until they make their first one million mark. Samuel Olekanma hopes that by reaching this mark (one million) the spirit of entrepreneurship must have been built on these youths and the can continue on their own after that.

Unemployment is regarded as one of the developmental problems currently facing Nigerian economy. Despite Nigeria being Africa’s most populous country, it has constantly recorded high unemployment rates suggested that unemployment rate in Nigeria if not control will reach record high of 70 percent by 2017, with youth unemployment rate at over 89 percent. World Bank (2009) defined unemployment as the number of people who are unemployed in an area, often given as a percentage of the total labor force.

            The phenomenon of youth unemployment ( YU) as it is being experienced in Nigeria constitutes a peculiar problem to the economy. Currently, 68 percent of Nigerian youths are unemployed, resulting to them being recruited into oil theft syndicates, armed robbers, kidnappers, militants and insurgents; while their female counterparts end up as prostitutes (Morphy, 2009). Factors that have accounted for high youth unemployment rate in Nigeria include: low quality educational system, poor levels of educational attainment, over emphasizes on theoretical knowledge at the expense of Vocational or Business Education and Entrepreneurial Education. Others are  weak economic growth due to lack of infrastructures, mismatch between labor market and available skills, and more. However, this menace can be curtailed if government at all levels, private sectors and individuals concerned encourage  youths to acquire Business Education skills needed for survival in this 21st century (International Youth Foundation.

Business Education  which is defined as an area of education that  concerns itself with the vocational and professional preparation students for careers in business, is a broad area of knowledge, which deals with the entire enterprise system, preparing youths for roles in enterprise as workers or entrepreneurs. Acquisition of Business Education skills by students of various institutions can prepare them to start up small businesses such as: computer business centers, book binding center, laminating center, computer sales, computer training, internet center(Cyber café) and more. Instead of roaming the streets looking for non-existent jobs after graduation stated that business education can equip its trainees with occupational skills needed to either succeed in a particular job or start a business and profit in it. These skills as categorized by the author include:

1. Individual Competence, Communication skills, comprehension, computation and culture.

2. Personal reliability skills: personal management, ethics, and vocational maturity.

3. Economic adaptability skills: Problem solving, learning, employability and career development.

4. Group and organizational effectiveness skills: Interpersonal skills, organizational skills, skills in negotiation,

creativity and leadership.

Statement of the Problem

There has been a general outcry on the persistent rise in youth unemployment rate in Nigeria. This has led an army of angry and desperate unemployed youths prowling cities looking for jobs that are non-existent. The unemployment situation has denied its victims their legitimate means of livelihood, and in order to survive, they now involved in all forms of criminality which threaten the peace of the society (Hernando 2013). Employers have however blamed the theoretical type of education offered these students as main  reason for incidence of unemployment, as most of  them simply lack skills and competencies needed to succeed in occupations. The federal government has emphasized the use of Business Education to equip potential graduates with appropriate skills needed not only for employment, but also for self-reliance. However, it seems that students from tertiary institutions in Nigeria, especially those in OMUKWU ONICHA EZINIHITTE MBAISE State are not taking advantage of Business Education programme in equipping themselves with appropriate skills for both employment and self-reliance, thus this study.

Purpose of the Study

            The main purpose of this study is to ascertain the role of Business Education in reducing youth unemployment in Omukwu Onicha Mbaise. Specifically, this study will seek to ascertain:

  1. Job opportunities available to students trained in Business Education programme
  2. Causes of unemployment  among  graduates in Omukwu Onicha Ezinihitte Mbaise.

Significance of the Study

            The findings of this study will be of benefits to the youths(students), parents, government and the society at large. The outcome of this study will expose students  employment and self-employment skills needed to face challenges after graduation. Findings of this study will also expose them to training in various job opportunities to make a living. The stakeholders (parents, government and the society) will be informed of various job opportunities offered by Business Education programme to its trainees. This will induce them to encourage their wards to enroll in Business Education. It will also reveal the main causes of youth unemployment. The government can adopt  information that will be provided by this study during education policy making.

Research Questions

The following research questions will guide this study:

  1. What are the job opportunities available to students trained in Business Education?

What are the causes of unemployment among graduate in Omukwu Onicha Ezinihitte Mbaise

Samuel Olekanma is a blogger and an Arthur. He have written several books among which is https://www.amazon.com/MBAISE-ASSOCIATION-NUTRITION-Samuel-Olekanma/dp/0359283136

Samuel Olekanma is an indigen of Omukwu Onicha Ezinihitte Mbaise

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